It is with great sadness that the Association advises the death of
John ‘Kargo’ Kargotich.
John Kargotich was born on 16 May 1964.
He attended Aquinas College before completing his studies at the Muresk Agricultural College (as it was then called). John served in the Australian Army as a reservist with Western Australia
43 Below
43 Barrack Street, Perth
(Downstairs at the corner of Barrack and Hay Streets)
Booking is under "WAUR Association"
25 Apr 24
0900 h - 1330 h
Catch up for Association members and friends
Note: The Association is not marching this year
Artillery Barracks, Burt Street, Fremantle
1430 h for a 1500 h start
Please do not embarrass yourself by being late.
Saturday, 19 Oct 19
1500 h -1545 h (Ceremony)
1600 h - 1900 h (Social function)
Lounge suit / Jacket & tie - Ceremony
Smart casual - Social function
The ceremony will last for about an hour and be followed by a casual social gathering back at the Unit at Leeuwin Barracks, East Fremantle at about 1630 h. BYO folding chair. Also there is limited shade, so suggest a hat and sunscreen.
This activity will see the Old Colours laid up at the Army Museum Western Australia and be followed by a casual social function back at the Unit.
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
Leeuwin Barracks, Riverside Road, East Fremantle NLT 0945 h for a 1000 h step off
Please do not embarrass yourself by being late.
Saturday, 12 Oct 19
1000 h - 1200 h
The parade will last for about 2 hours. If you are not in Association tent, I suggest you BYO folding chair. Also there is limited shade, so wear a hat and sunscreen.
As the name suggests, the Aim of the activity is to conduct a formal parade to allow presentation of the Unit's new Colours.
Bring $ to buy commemorative port /plaque
Meet at Front Gate, Leeuwin Barracks, Riverside Road, East Fremantle at 1800 h
Tuesday, 18 Jun 19
1800 h
1800 – 1845
Watch the Commanders Update Brief where we discuss the last 30 and next 30 for the Unit.
1900 – 2000
View PT
2000 – 2130
Receive Unit Brief including October Colour Parade/view the new colours
2130 – 2200
Q&A time with the CO, OPSO and RSM
2200 – 2300
Engage with the Unit at the Mess
More details to follow...
The Aim of the activity is to:
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
Either meet at Front Gate, Leeuwin Barracks, Riverside Road, East Fremantle at 0800 h
Text Jenks on 040 225 3290 for the address in Ardross and meet at the house at about 0900 h
Thursday, 29 Nov 18
0800 h - Front Gate Leeuwin Barracks
0900 h - House in Ardross
WAUR PT shirt and work pants
(BYO gloves, hat and sunscreen)
Standby for requests to BYO rake, shovel etc
Meet at Leeuwin Barracks Front Gate at 0800 h
Meet at Ardross House at 0900 h
To join support the Unit as it supports Legacy widows. These amazing women are strong and resilient but need a hand to remain in their own homes.
The idea is that 2-3 times per year we will hold a busy bee to assist with garden / home maintenance chores. No special skills required, just enthusiasm and some manpower.
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
WAUR, Leeuwin Barracks
Riverside Road, East Fremantle
Sunday, 28 October 2018
1100 h - Front Gate Leeuwin Barracks
Smart casual, enclosed shoes
1100 h Unit brief
1130 h - Association members fire up BBQ for Unit members and families
1300 h - Presentation of Awards
Association members will man the BBQ for Unit members and families and observe the presentation of annual Awards with the intent to further strengthen ties between the Unit and the Association.
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
Northam Army Camp (Range Gate)
Memory jogger: "Targets down, patch out"
Saturday, 27 October 2018
1500 h sharp
Suitable clothing for outdoor activities. Enclosed study footwear.
1500 h - Brief at EXCON
1530 h - 1630 h - Observe activities
Observe Mil Skills competiton
Call Jenks on 040 225 3290
If you are interested in car pooling, call me on the above number
Meet at Front Gate, Leeuwin Barracks
Riverside Road, East Fremantle
Location(s) for busy bees are being finalised
Transport to busy bee locations provided
Thursday, 16 Aug 18
0800 h - Front Gate Leeuwin Barracks
WAUR PT shirt and work pants (BYO gloves, hat and sunscreen)
Standby for requests to BYO rake, shovel etc
Meet at Front Gate at 0800 h
To join support the Unit as it supports Legacy widows. These amazing women are strong and resilient but need a hand to remain in their own homes.
The idea is that 2-3 times per year we will hold a busy bee to assist with garden / home maintenance chores. No special skills required, just enthusiasm and some manpower.
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
Tuesday, 10 Jul 18
2045 h - Front Gate Leeuwin Barracks
(Ceremony starts at 2130 h)
2115 h for a 2130 h start
To join the Unit as it celebrates NAIDOC week and to further strengthen ties between the Unit and the Association..
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
WAUR, Leeuwin Barracks
Riverside Road, East Fremantle
Tuesday, 29 May 18
1830 h - Front Gate Leeuwin Barracks
Smart Casual
1830: Meet at the front gate of Leeuwin and be escorted to the Unit
1900 - 2000: Briefing by OPSO/RSM
2000 – 2130: Hands on weapons, Night Fighting Equipment and observe training
2130 – 2200: Questions / Mess Sausage sizzle
Re-establish links between Unit and Association. Bring members up to date on current Unit Ops and plans. Discuss ways in which Association can support the Unit and vice-versa.
Call Jenks 040 225 3290
Wednesday, 25 Apr 18
0550 h - 1130 h
Chinos, White shirt, Association Tie, Medals
0550 h - Dawn Service - King's Park
0700 h - Gunfire Breakfast, Rigby's
1000 h - March, Sherwood Court
1130 h - Post March Beers, Rigby's
To honour The Fallen
Call Jenks 040 225 3290