The Association was the brainchild of former WAUR LCPL's - John "Kargo" Kargotich, Michael "Jenks" Jenkin and Shaun "Chook" Chapman.
Following a highly successful WAUR Reunion at Kargo's farm on 14 Oct 2000, it was decided that an Association should be formed.
The Association came into being officially on:
06 Feb 2001.
The objects of the Association are:
· to foster an interest in the history and traditions of the Unit;
· to provide a forum for former and serving members of the Unit to maintain contact; and
· to conduct social functions to enable former and serving members of the Unit to meet.
Anyone who served in WAUR is
eligible to be a member.
Anyone who has an interest in, or some connection with, the Unit may be an Associate member.
Membership is free. Just download a membership form (see below) and send it to the Secretary at:
The Unit is located at Leeuwin Barracks, East Fremantle in what was (many years ago) the HQ of 5 Training Group.
Send an email to:
Download and complete the Membership Form and send it to: