On the 110th anniversary of the landings at Gallipoli come and share a drink with us!
8:30 AM onwards at 43 Below, 43 Barrack Street (underground on the corner of Barrack and Hay Streets)
Queries to David Knight on 9362 1031 or dsknight@bigpond.net.au
WAURA Challenge coins now available for sale.
$30 each
Have a look at the History page to download documents, read histories. Check back frequently as content is added periodically.
We sell a number of quality items of merchandise at bargain prices. Click on the link below to visit the Association shop.
*WAURA Challenge Coins
*Colours Presentation Parade audio-visual package
* Colours Presentation Parade Port
* Unit Plaque (antique silver metal/jarrah base)
* Lapel pins (available in gold or antique silver)
It is with great sadness that the Association advises the death of
John ‘Kargo’ Kargotich.
John Kargotich was born on 16 May 1964.
He attended Aquinas College before completing his studies at the Muresk Agricultural College (as it was then called). John served in the Australian Army as a reservist with Western Australian University Regiment, completing his recruit training at the Tone River and rising to the dizzy heights of lance-corporal.
John also served as a diver in the Royal Australian Navy reserve.
On 14 October 2000, a reunion of WAUR members was held at John’s family dairy farm “Yoothamurra”, and was the springboard for the formation of the WAUR Association, which John was president of for many years.
John had an interesting working life, including running the family dairy farm “Yoothamurra”, working for the Department of Defence, and serving with the United Nations as a disaster relief coordinator in places such as Darfur, Haiti, and Jordan.
John was a warm and engaging person, who enjoyed a beer and a laugh. He was universally known as “Kargo”, and he was a loyal and faithful friend. For the past several months, John was an inpatient at Osborne Park Hospital and despite the health issues he faced, he maintained his customary sunny outlook on life and was determined to be discharged and return to his unit in Cottesloe.
However, early on the morning of 17 October 2024, John was found facedown on the floor of his hospital room. He was unresponsive, and despite resuscitation efforts, John could not be revived. He was 60 years of age.
John was one of those people who made the world a better place, and he will be sorely missed by his family and by his many friends. A funeral service to commemorate his life will be held,
22 Nov 24 - time/loc TBA